Zero Fee Credit Card Processing - See If You Qualify
Are you Still Paying to Get Paid?! Don't do that anymore. With recent law changes and the advancement of our proprietary software your b

Providing Pin-Based Debit Processing Solutions For The Marijuana Industry.
At Merchant Club we are finally offering a legal solution to transacting business in the marijuana industry. We are proud to introduce PIN-B

Zero Fee Credit Card Processing Is Not A Myth
Are you Still Paying to Get Paid?! Don't do that anymore. With recent law changes and the advancement of our proprietary software your b

iPhone X and Apple Pay - Tutorial
Apple Pay was already one of the safest ways to process a payment in retail environments and apps like Uber. But that security becomes more

Apple Pay and iPhone X
iPhone X has a unique shape and slightly elongated Power button on its side. Apple is referring to it as the "Side button" and you