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Here Is How To Make Your Business New Year Resolutions Stick

Merchant Club of America - New Year Resolutions

About 40% of the population in America make New Year resolutions every year, but only 8% of those who make them stick to the plan. If you are a part of the 92% that can’t follow through on your own promises, you may think about changing your approach in 2017 to make your dreams a reality. Let’s have a look at a few useful tips.

Keep it simple

Pick 2 or 3 important things that you want to work on for your business. Make sure to avoid long lists of things that you would like to improve on, because you simply don’t have all that extra time to champion every single item on the list. It is way better to focus on a few important items than divide your focus on multiple things. This way the chances of you succeeding increase.

Break your goals into concrete steps

Be very specific when it comes to setting your goals. You should be able to measure them! While it’s nice to say – “in 2017 I will delegate more” it’s better to list the tasks that you are planning to delegate and pick people to whom you will delegate those tasks. Come up with a strategy on how to implement the change step by step. The more concrete it is, the higher the probability that you will actually stick to the plan.

Track your progress

Don’t wait until the end of the year to see how well you did. Set monthly check points and track your progress. It’s easier to see what went wrong in one specific month than in the entire year. Measuring and tracking your progress is essential to your success.

Keep yourself accountable

Ask your friends, colleagues or family members to help keep your accountable. It’s easier to build accountability if you share your plans with others. Hang a calendar in the office where your colleagues can see it and put checkmarks for every step that you championed. Don’t forget to celebrate those milestones.

If your goal is to grow your business, Merchant Club of America offers offers comprehensive solutions to small businesses that include financing options, merchant services, website design, online marketing, security options and much more. Contact us and we will help you make your business resolutions stick!


(877) 771-0248


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