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5 Marketing Strategies to Reach Millennial Parents

By now, you’ve probably heard—millennials are changing everything. Many people refer to this generation as “disrupters.” After all, they seem to influence everything from technology and the workplace to culture and responsibility.

But, you might be surprised to learn that a large percentage of this group are parents. In fact, parents make up more than 40 percent of the millennial generation, according to Google Research. And that’s a game changer, particularly if you’re strategizing marketing to families.

When marketing to millennial parents, you need to understand how their parenting style differs from the generations before them. And use that, along with these five marketing strategies, to build a marketing plan that resonates with this powerful group of consumers.

1. Don’t Assume Stereotypical Roles

Millennial moms and dads don’t strictly follow gender roles, and neither should your content. For example, dad might be the one washing the dishes while mom tosses a ball in the backyard. Pandering to conventional parental stereotypes may leave your efforts falling flat. Also, don’t only gear your marketing strategy to moms. Research shows that more and more millennial dads are taking active parenting roles and watching parenting-related content.

2. Don’t Overlook the Power of Digital Marketing

When you’re marketing to millennial parents, you should consider how millennials get most of their content. Brands without a strong online presence may lose this important demographic. Roughly 80 percent of millennial parents shop online several times every month. And they look to social media for everything from birthday party ideas to parenting tips, according to The Business Journals.

3. Consider the Tone

Millennial parents respond well to brands that know how to talk to them—and their kids. They also tend to talk more candidly with their children, and they create more intimate relationships that don’t rely as strictly on family hierarchy. In fact, Google Research shows that 74 percent of millennial parents let their children take part in decisions that affect the household. So, consider the tone of your marketing content. And also, consider distributing your marketing efforts in less traditional places. For example, many millennial parents watch YouTube videos to connect with the things their kids love. This presents an opportunity to get your message out there.

4. Go Beyond the Sale

The majority of millennial parents are attracted to brands with value that goes beyond their products, including those with strong community outreach efforts. Millennials want to contribute to the causes they care about, and that means that brands large and small have an opportunity to position themselves based on their mission. Marketing to millennials is easier and more effective for businesses that stand for more than just the bottom line.

5. Celebrate Their Unique Qualities

Millennial parents want to keep their identities intact, even as they journey through parenthood. They still celebrate all of the talents and passions that they’ve always had, and so should you. Being a parent is only one facet of a millennial parent’s identity. Make sure that when you’re marketing to millennial parents, you create content that clearly demonstrates an understanding of all that they juggle every day.

Marketing to millennial parents presents unique opportunities and challenges. Try these marketing strategies to increase your reach among active, young families who are connected with their communities.

Ready to increase your market share by marketing to millennials? Contact Merchant Club of America today!

SOURCE: "5 Marketing Strategies to Reach Millennial Parents" by Caryn Anderson posted in Customers Marketing. Groupon.com. Published 4/21/2017, accessed on 7/27/2017

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