PIN Debit Card Processing Solutions from Merchant Club of America
Merchant Club of America is proud to offer extensive merchant and point-of-sale solutions including debit card processing options for your business.

PIN debit card processing allows customers to use their ATM and check cards to be processed at the point of sale to complete their transaction. PIN debit card processing currently exceeds 60% of all payment transactions according to J.P. Morgan Chase, and this percentage will only increase with time.
On average pin debit card processing will cost less compared to other payment options, and statistically speaking fraud is lower than any of its payment counterparts. In addition, providing this service to your customers allows convenience and versatility, making it a winning proposition.
Other advantages include:
• Much cheaper solution for than having an ATM machine present for both, the business and the consumer.
• Compared to cash transactions it provides much more accurate online reporting options.
• Promotes a much safer business environment that prevents theft
• Increases spontaneous purchases from consumers at point of sale
• Attract and retain customers with more payment options
• EMV ready which provides ability to accept chip and non-chip cards
• Digital signature capture technology which adds layers of security

The Merchant Club can set your business with equipment that can handle EBT cards, provide cash-back to customers, and it costs less as well as provide enhanced security for your operations. If you are interested in getting setup with Pin-Based Debit Processing, fill out the form below and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.
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