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Apple Pay Is The Safest Way To Purchase. Here Is Why.

In an era of security breaches, massive hacks and identity theft, why would you trust Apple Pay to process your transactions? The answer is very simple: Apple Pay is by far the most secure way to transact business on earth.

Merchant Club - Apple Pay Merchant Technologies

Your first fear might be someone stealing your phone and draining your account before you even notice your phone is missing, but with the Face ID and the iPhone X, the chances of someone getting access to the sensitive information saved on your phone decrease significantly.

Second, NFC technology (which stands for near-field communication) is also one of the safest ways to pay for your afternoon latte because it uses a myriad of security measures that encrypt your payment information, including the creation of a surrogate number on the app, so your actual credit card number is never stored on the phone. Instead, Apple Pay uses a system called Token Payments, which in essence generates a unique cryptogram for each transaction. Even if somehow thieves were able to gain access to the surrogate number stored in your app, it's completely useless on its own. It must be processed within your app in order to work.

Other operating systems like Android also use the Token Payment

interface, however, Face ID on the iPhone X or fingerprint scanning for previous iPhone models create a perfectly secure and impenetrable payment option for your everyday activities.

As always, Merchant Club recommends caution and safety for both, the consumer and the merchant, and by adopting Apple Pay you can significantly increase your peace of mind against security breaches or potential hacks.

Need to set up your business with Apple Pay? Fill out the form below:

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