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It's Time To Get On The Organic Weed Train

Organic marijuana? Yes, you heard right.

Payment processor for cannabis industry - Merchant Club of America

With medical marijuana being legal in most of the states the number of cannabis users is constantly increasing, which calls for cannabis free of pesticides, additives, and chemicals. Cannabis is considered a controlled substance under federal law, hence USDA is not currently regulating the product. However, organizations like Cannabis Certification Counsel provide cannabis vendors with training and certification to ensure their product meets the “organic” certification requirements.

The demand for organic marijuana is consumer driven. Most of the legal cannabis is used for medical reasons, hence small vendors who recognize the increasing demand for the environmentally and socially responsible product might gain a competitive advantage and see a dramatic increase in profits while running organic marijuana business.

Payment processor for cannabis industry - Merchant Club of America

Unfortunately, most of the cannabis vendors do not have access to banking solutions and resort to cash transactions. This pre-historic payment method would slow down any business, luckily cannabis vendors, who want to reach the full organic marijuana potential, can utilize one of the Merchant Club of America payment solutions.

Merchant Club of America works with many cannabis vendors and understands how complicated it is to track cash transactions. Because of that, we offer the following payment solutions specifically to cannabis vendors:

Credit Card Payment Solution

Payment processor for cannabis industry - Merchant Club of America

The secure and flexible PAX A920 terminal accepts swiped Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit card transactions. Cannabis vendors can use this credit card payment solution without the pre-registered bank accounts or credit cards. In addition, Merchant Club of America accepts all dispensaries and funds the cannabis vendors within 48 to 72 hours. No reserves are required by the bank.

Clover Flex

Payment processor for cannabis industry - Merchant Club of America

Clover Flex accepts credit, debit, EMV chip cards, NFC payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, gift cards and cash. Plus, it tracks cannabis sales in real time and provides detailed reports on the device, in the web and on mobile iOS/Android App. Clover Flex is easy to take with you and hand to customers - they can dip, swipe, tap, enter a pin and sign, whether in line, in the aisle, or at the table. In addition, the device has a built-in receipt printer and scanner, which ensures flexibility.

Pin-Based Debit Payment Solution

This payment solution allows cannabis vendors to accept payment via swipe, manual key entry, Apple Pay and NFC mobile payment options. The solution features individual MID tracking from each geographical location, which means less reconciliation work for the accounting department. In addition to zero ATM fees, this payment solution offers safe processing due to limited fraud attempts and chargebacks.

Contact us today by filling out the form below and get more information about our custom cannabis payment solutions.

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