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A Cash Discount Program Merchants Should Be Focusing On

With Merchant Club of America, merchants find that the thousands of dollars in processing fees they previously paid to credit card companies is now theirs to keep, either to reward themselves or to invest in the business! With recent law changes and the advancement of our proprietary software your business can accept credit cards for FREE!

Cash Discount Programs - Merchant Club of America

By providing a unique processing terminal loaded with state-of-the- art software and explanatory signage to merchants, Slice terminal automatically and instantaneously calculates the credit card fees on every customer charge. Those charges then appear on each customer receipt. In addition, Slice terminal reinforces the advantage of paying for products and services in cash or with a prepaid gift card, where service fees are eliminated. It’s a win-win program that benefits merchants by putting more money in their pocket, while providing strong incentive for customers to pay with cash or with a prepaid gift card.

The Merchant Club makes it all clear and up front. When merchants sign up they also receive signage for their front door and terminal area, clearly spelling out the Cash Discount concept: credit card processing fees are added to customers’ charges, or eliminated when they pay with cash or with a prepaid gift card. Customers appreciate the opportunity to save at the register by paying cash, hence the cash discount program is a win-win for everybody!

Cash Discount Programs - Merchant Club of America

Where can I learn more? Please fill out the form below. A friendly, knowledgeable representative will answer your questions and help you sign up.

Remember: If you do business and accept credit cards of any kind, Cash Discount program was created precisely for hard-working merchants like you!

This blog is created and managed by DS&P.

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